Barcelona Dental Clinic - Contactar 93 212 10 08
Maximum quality. Contact us to learn about our support and facilities.
An attractive smile should have an adequate proportion between the teeth, gums and lips.
The proportions of these three components should be harmonious.
Some people suffer from an alteration in the desired proportion between the teeth and gums or asymmetry in the gingival margin.
A smile is considered to be “gummy” when a patient shows more than 3mm of the gum when smiling.
We find that the teeth are short, normally square, with gums that cover too much of the surface of the teeth.
In these cases the chosen procedure is crown lengthening (gingivectomy).
This treatment brings back the original size to the teeth and the harmony of the smile.
This treatment only needs a local anaesthetic and the results are immediate.
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Dental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.
TREATMENTSDental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.