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Cambra Clinic Magazine

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93 212 10 08

C/ Ganduxer, 122 – 08022 Barcelona

List: Latest Articles Dentistry

Content review: Dr. Jordi Cambra and Dr. Víctor Cambra
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Apoyo al confinamento y protocolo con nuestros pacientes. Decisión responsable ante el Covid-19

Siguiendo las recomendaciones de los expertos y de las autoridades sanitarias, es necesario evitar los desplazamientos y contactos de personas para intentar detener la propagación del Covid-19.

Aunque en Cambra Clinic aplicamos de forma rigurosa todas las medidas de protección y de higiene necesarias, consideramos que por responsabilidad colectiva tenemos que colaborar en el confinamiento domiciliario propuesto por las autoridades de nuestro país.

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Category Magazine Dentistry: Cambra Clinic

Content review: Dr. Jordi Cambra and Dr. Víctor Cambra
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Technology is here to stay. In every field of everyday life, technology is here to stay. Let’s put a simple example. The iphone. The iphone has made our lifes easier, the iphone got rid of our calendars, our Palm agendas, phonebooks, paper maps. Making our life just easier. Same thing happens with high tech and […]

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Category Magazine Dentistry: Dr. Víctor Cambra @en, General Dentistry

Content review: Dr. Jordi Cambra and Dr. Víctor Cambra
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Aids for completely toothless patients to obtain a third set of teeth. Get your Smile back at Cambra Clinic. Contact Us: (Contact section | tel. 93 212 10 08) In developed countries, life expectancy has increased to more than 80 years of age. ¿Are our teeth ready to survive in our mouth such a long […]

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Category Magazine Dentistry: Dental Aesthetics, Dental Implants, Facilities and Promotions

Content review: Dr. Jordi Cambra and Dr. Víctor Cambra
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At Cambra Clinic we have acquired a 3D sensor for milling a digitally defined surface that enables the practitioner to produce a ceramic dental restoration. The dentist uses a 3D camera to take an accurate picture of the damaged tooth, which is uploaded to the CEREC computer. The dentist then uses CAD-CAM technology to design […]

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Category Magazine Dentistry: Uncategorized


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93 212 10 08

C/ Ganduxer, 122 – 08022 Barcelona


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Clínica Dental Cambra Clinic

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Dental clinic Barcelona

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Cambra Clinic
Dental clinic Barcelona

Dental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.