Barcelona Dental Clinic - Contactar 93 212 10 08
We have a regular professional hygiene programme. Contact us for more information.
Given that most dental problems are caused by the build-up of dental plaque around the teeth, our aim is to remove it.
It is important to know that dental plaque contains different types of bacteria.
Some are responsible for tooth decay (they destroy the enamel on the teeth) and others are responsible for gum problems (Gingivitis and Periodontitis) as they cause the gums to pull away from the teeth and reabsorb the bone that supports them.
How do we prevent the build-up of that harmful dental plaque between the teeth? A prevention programme with two main points should be followed:
A) Carrying out correct oral hygiene every day at home which requires learning how to do this properly, and occasional monitoring from a dental hygienist.
We should brush our teeth in circular movements, not forgetting to brush behind them.
Furthermore, dental floss is of great help to remove plaque between the teeth that is difficult to get at with a brush.
B) Visiting the dentist for a regular visit for a professional dental clean and removal of dental plaque and tartar that has built up.
The time between visits varied between every four months to one year.
Periodontal disease (pyorrhea) has become so widespread that these days it is the main factor responsible for the loss of teeth in adults. The main cause of this disease is the build-up of dental plaque between the teeth.
It has been shown that regular removal of this build-up of dental plaque by a professional hygienist prevents the progression of the periodontitis or pyorrhea.
For this reason, we offer a prevention programme that consists of a regular dental clean (every six months to one year). We have been applying this programme for 25 years and can assure you that it gives excellent results.
People with a healthy mouth also need a regular professional preventive dental clean to remove dental plaque and tartar to be able to enjoy a healthy, clean and attractive mouth.
Tooth decay has been the main dental problem in humans for many years.
The regular application of fluoride is used to reinforce the fluoride toothpastes that people now used every day.
To prevent tooth decay, a regular professional clean should be done in which a concentrated fluoride gel is also applied.
If you follow our prevention programme you will enjoy your teeth for many more years, preventing problems and discomfort, and saving time and money.
This oral health prevention programme has a second aspect for patients who have already been treated to ensure that the results obtained last for many years and that new problems do not develop.
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¡Gracias por contactar con nosotros!
Dental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.
TREATMENTSDental clinic of Barcelona with team of dentists by specialties.